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About TutorOpedia

TutorOpedia is an EDUCATION FIRST company and offers progressive academic solution via a proprietary Learning Management System that facilitates online tuitions for University Scholars. The novel idea behind the inception of TutorOpedia is to curate a Learning Management system that nullifies the issues of distance and connectivity between the best college professors in the world and sincere scholars who want to learn from them.

The brand “TutorOpedia”, its web platform and all related academic resources. Tutoropedia is founded in 2015 with a singular ambition to leverage cutting technology in enabling seamless connectivity between the global community of teachers and students. Our approach to pedagogy is acutely tech driven and highly pragmatic.

TutorOpedia Education Services are currently carried out in online mode and are available to university Scholars from around the globe. We cater all academic learning needs of Graduates, Post Graduates and PhD Scholars studying at top universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Singapore, European Union, Hong Kong, UAE and India.